Electronics is a comprehensive product that integrates many different kinds of functions and is becoming smaller and more intelligent. It plays an important role in our daily life. Considering its small but complicated structure, the production process must introduce related high-tech methods and laser marking is considered one of them. Ever since laser marking machine was applied in different industries, it has been providing solutions in the production process. And among those industries, electronics is the industry where laser marking technique has the widest application.
There are many different kinds of laser marking machines, depending on the laser sources equipped - CO2 laser marking machine, UV laser marking machine and fiber laser marking machine. Except for fiber laser marking machine, the other two kinds of laser marking machines would need an industrial laser water chiller to take away the heat. S&A Teyu is known for its reliable and durable air cooled laser chillers suitable for cooling CO2 laser marking machine and UV laser marking machine. For CO2 laser marking machine, users can select the CW series air cooled laser chillers while for UV laser marking machine, users can choose the CWUL, RMUP and CWUP series chillers. For detailed description for the above-mentioned series chillers, click https://www.chillermanual.net/standard-chillers_c3
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