To tell the difference between laser cutting and 3D printing, the first thing is to find out their respective definition.
Laser cutting technique is a “deducting” technique, which means it uses laser source to cut the original material based on the designed pattern or shape. Laser cutting machine can perform speedy and accurate cutting on different metal and non-metal materials like fabric, wood and composite materials. Although laser cutting machine can help speed up the prototype making process, but it is limited to building parts that require welding or other laser technique to make the prototype.
On the contrary, 3D printing is a kind of “adding” technique. To use a 3D printer, you need to create a 3D model that you are going to “print” on your computer first. Then the 3D printer will “add” the materials like glue and resin layer by layer to actually build the project. In this process, nothing is deducted.
Both laser cutting machine and 3D printer feature high speed, but laser cutting machine is slightly advantageous, for it can be used in prototype making.
In many situations, 3D printer is often used in simulation design to identify the potential flaw in the subject or is used to produce mold of certain kinds of product. This is mainly due to the fact that 3D printer can use not so durable materials.
In fact, cost is the main reason why many manufacturers turn to laser cutting machine instead of 3D printer. The resin used in 3D printer is quite expensive. If 3D printer employs cheaper adhesive-bonded powder, the printed subject is less durable. If the cost of 3D printer reduces, it is believed that 3D printer will be more popular.
To get the most out of laser cutting machine, manufacturers usually would add an industrial cooling system to take away the heat from the heat-generating component. S&A Teyu industrial cooling system is designed with laser system as its target application. It is suitable for cooling CO2 laser, UV laser, fiber laser, YAG laser and so on with cooling capacity ranging from 0.6KW to 30KW. Find out more about S&A Teyu industrial chiller unit at https://www.teyuchiller.com/