It is pretty annoying when you buy something that you think is supposed to be your expected one but turns out it isn’t. When we purchase counterfeit product, we not only waste our money but also our time. One of the best ways to buy a genuine product is to buy it from the manufacturer. Mr. Layani from Israel made a smart choice by purchasing S&A Teyu small portable water chiller CW-5000 directly from us.
Some of his friends purchased the counterfeit S&A Teyu water chillers and the cooling performance wasn’t satisfactory. What’s worse, those counterfeit machines broke down quite often and required frequent maintenance after they were purchased a few weeks. This made their friends very angry. Having learned the lesson from his friends, Mr. Layani came to us and purchased one unit of genuine S&A Teyu small portable water chiller CW-5000 from us directly to cool his acrylic laser cutting machine. Besides, he also asked us how to identify the genuine one. Now we illustrate them one by one
The genuine S&A Teyu small portable water chiller CW-5000 carries “S&A Teyu” logo in the following places: 1. Temperature controller; 2. Dust gauze; 3.Black handle; 4. Back of the chiller(i.e. the product label). S&A Teyu small portable water chiller CW-5000 features the small size, stable cooling performance in addition to ease of use and long service life. Unlike the counterfeit chiller, the genuine small portable water chiller CW-5000 has low maintenance rate and it produces little noise, so users can rest assured when using our genuine S&A Teyu water chiller in their workplace.