Nowadays, as the competition becomes more and more fierce, it is not enough to just provide high quality product. After-sales service is equally important. As a reliable air cooled recirculating chiller supplier, we have well-established after-sales department in order to give our client superior product experience.
Mr. Bhanu is the purchasing manager of a Dubai-based manufacturing company. It mainly deals with metal fabricating which requires several fiber laser cutting machines powered by 3000W IPG fiber lasers. As you know, fiber laser and air cooled recirculating chiller are inseparable, so he purchased a few units of S&A Teyu air cooled recirculating chillers CWFL-3000 for cooling last month. Yesterday, he sent an e-mail to our after-sales dept. about how to avoid high temperature alarm, for it is pretty hot at this time in Dubai. Well, our colleagues wrote him back in details and also attached the instruction video, which impresses him a lot. He said that the previous chiller suppliers just sold their products and didn’t take care of the after-sales questions, which annoyed him very much. Now he feels so lucky to find us and will establish long-term cooperation with us in the coming months.
Well, we appreciate the trust from Mr. Bhanu and we are so proud of our air cooled recirculating chillers CWFL-3000 and our after-sales service. Air cooled recirculating chiller CWFL-3000 features the cooling capacity of 8500W and temperature stability of±1℃. It is specially designed for cooling 3000W fiber laser. With dual temperature control system, the fiber laser and the QBH connector/optics can be cooled at the same time, which saves not only space but also cost for the users. Every air cooled recirculating chiller CWFL-3000 is with the detailed instruction manual and there are instruction videos on our official website. If you still have questions, we are here to help promptly.
For more detailed parameters of S&A Teyu air cooled recirculating chiller CWFL-3000, click https://www.teyuchiller.com/recirculating-water-chiller-system-cwfl-3000-for-fiber-laser_fl7