Water chiller CWUP-20 is specially developed for 20W ultrafast lasers and is suitable for cooling 20W picosecond laser markers. With features like large cooling capacity, precise temperature control, low maintenance, energy efficiency, and a compact design, CWUP-20 is the ideal choice for users seeking to enhance performance and reduce downtime.
A 20W picosecond laser marking machine is a high-precision device used for ultra-fast, fine marking on various materials. To maintain optimal performance and longevity, effective cooling is essential. The heat generated during operation can affect the stability and precision of the laser, potentially leading to errors or equipment damage. Therefore, an efficient water chiller is crucial to keep the laser at a stable temperature and ensure consistent marking quality.
As a leading water chiller maker and supplier, TEYU S&A Chiller offers specialized cooling solutions tailored for 3W-60W picosecond laser marking machines. Our water chiller CWUP-20 is specially developed for 20W ultrafast lasers and is ideal for cooling 20W picosecond laser marking machines. This efficient chiller unit provides a cooling capacity of 1430W and 0.1℃ precise temperature control, ensuring reliable and efficient laser operation. With features like low maintenance, energy efficiency, and a compact design, CWUP-20 is the ideal choice for 20W picosecond laser users seeking to enhance performance and reduce downtime.
Contact us via [email protected] now to learn more about our water chillers and how they can benefit your laser operation.
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