Consumer electronics like smart phones and tablets are changing our life. And laser technique is certainly a game-changing technique in processing the components of these consumer electronics.
Laser cutting phone camera cover
The current smart phone industry increasingly depends on the materials that laser can work with, like sapphire. This is the second hardest materials in the world, which makes it the ideal material that protects the phone camera against potential scratching and falling. Using laser technique, sapphire cutting can be very precise and speedy without post-processing and several hundred thousands of work pieces could be finished every day, which is quite efficient.
Laser cutting and welding thin film circuit
Laser technique can also be used inside the consumer electronics. How to arrange the components on space of several cubic millimeter used to be a challenge. Then manufacturers come up with a solution - By arranging flexibly the thin film circuit made by polyimide to do the matching in limited space. This means these circuits can be cut to different sizes and shapes to connect with each other. With laser technique, this work can be done very easily, for it is suitable for any working condition and doesn’t cause any mechanical pressure to the work piece at all.
Laser cutting glass display
For the time being, the most expensive component of smart phone is the touch screen. As we know, a touch display consists of two pieces of glass and each piece is about 300 micrometer thick. There are transistors that control the pixel. This new design is used for decreasing the thickness of the glass and increasing the toughness of the glass. With traditional technique, it is even impossible to cut and scribe gently. Etching is workable, but it involves chemical procedure.
Therefore, laser marking, known as cold processing, is increasingly used in the glass cutting. What’s more, glass cut by laser has smooth edge and no crack, which requires no post-processing.
Laser marking in the above-mentioned components requires high precision in limited space. So what would be the ideal laser source for this kind of processing? Well, the answer is UV laser. UV laser whose wavelength is 355nm is a kind of cold processing, for it doesn’t have physical contact with the object and has very small heat-affecting zone. To ensure its long-term performance, effective cooling is extremely important.
S&A Teyu recirculating refrigeration water chillers are suitable for cooling UV lasers from 3W-20W. For more information, click https://www.teyuchiller.com/ultrafast-laser-uv-laser-chiller_c3