Home appliances are our daily items that are indispensable. As people’s living standards improve, home appliances have developed from several categories into several hundreds categories. As the competition of big home appliances becomes more and more fierce, many manufacturers shift their product ranges to small home appliances.
Small home appliances have a big marketSmall home appliances are often in small size with relative low price and comes in different forms, including electric kettle, soybean milk machine, high speed blender, electric oven, air purifier, etc.. These small home appliances are in huge demand, for they can meet various kinds of requirements from different users.
The common small home appliances are often made from plastics and metal. The plastic part is often the outer shell which is used to prevent electric shock and protect the product. But what really plays the important role is the metal part and electric kettle is one of the typical example.
There are many different kinds of electric kettles in the market and their prices are very different. But what people require is reliability and stability. Therefore, the electric kettle manufacturers gradually employ new technique - laser welding, to weld the kettle body. Generally speaking, an electric kettle consists of 5 parts: kettle body, kettle handle, kettle lid, kettle bottom and kettle spout. To combine all these parts together, the most effective method is using laser welding technique.
Laser welding is very common in electric kettleIn the past, many electric kettle manufacturers would use argon arc welding to weld the electric kettle. But argon arc welding is very slow and the weld line is not smooth and even. That means post-processing is often required. Besides, argon arc welding can often lead to crack, deformation, and internal stress damage. All these posts great challenge to the later post-processing and the reject ratio is likely to increase.
But with laser welding technique, high speed welding can be achieved with high quality tightness and no requirement of polishing. The stainless steel of the kettle body is often very thin and the thinness is often 0.8-1.5mm. Therefore, laser welding machine from 500W to 1500W is sufficient for welding. Besides, it often comes with high speed automatic motor system with CCD function. With this machine, the productivity of the enterprises can be greatly improved.

Welding of small home appliances requires reliable industrial chillerThe laser welding of small home appliances adopts middle power fiber laser. The laser head will be integrated into the industrial robot or high speed orbital determination sliding device to realize welding. At the same time, since the production capacity of electric kettle is quite big, it requires laser system to work in a long term. That makes adding an
industrial laser chiller very necessary.
S&A Teyu is an enterprise that is dedicated to the development and production of industrial water chiller. After nearly 20 years of development, S&A Teyu has become a reputed water chiller manufacturer in China. The industrial water chillers it produces are applicable to cool CO2 laser, fiber laser, UV laser, ultrafast laser, laser diode, etc.. Nowadays, small home appliance production has gradually introduced UV laser marking system, metal laser cutting and welding system, plastic laser welding system to help improve the productivity. And at the same time, our industrial water chillers are also added to provide efficient cooling for those laser systems.