Nowadays, consumers are becoming more and more “demanding” -- things need to be reliable, durable and at the same time not so costly .... Well, these kinds of requirements are all met by S&A Teyu recirculating air cooled chiller.
In June, we received the compliment e-mail from a Netherlands user on our recirculating air cooled chiller CWFL-500. In his e-mail, he was so pleased that the recirculating air cooled chiller CWFL-500 was so reliable & durable, for he has been using this chiller to cool his integrated fiber laser cutting machine for almost 2 years and few problems happened.
Well, we appreciated the compliment from this Netherlands users. S&A Teyu recirculating air cooled chiller CWFL-500 is designed with intelligent temperature controller which offers dual temperature control. Its temperature control accuracy reaches ±0.3℃ with the cooling capacity of 1800W, so it can provide effective cooling for the fiber laser cutting machines. Being so reliable & durable, recirculating air cooled chiller CWFL-500 has always been the good helper of the fiber laser cutting machine users.
For more information about S&A Teyu recirculating air cooled chiller CWFL-500, click