Mr. Alexander from Ukraine recently did a test on 3 different industrial water cooling systems in order to find out the ideal one to cool his fiber laser welding machine. They include S&A Teyu industrial water cooling system CWFL-1000 and two other local brands.
First of all, he tested the prepared time for refrigeration. The two other brands of industrial water cooling systems can start the refrigeration within 8 minutes while S&A Teyu industrial water cooling system CWFL-1000 took about 5 minutes. Secondly, he tested the temperature stability. In just 8 hours, the other two brands fluctuated by ±2℃ and ±1℃ respectively while the temperature stability of CWFL-1000 water chiller remained at ±0.5℃. To his surprise, he found out that industrial water cooling system CWFL-1000 has dual refrigeration loop with one cooling the fiber laser device and the other cooling the laser head which two other brands don’t have. In this test, S&A Teyu industrial water cooling system CWFL-1000 stands out and he chose it to cool his fiber laser welding machine in the long run.
For more cases about S&A Teyu industrial water cooling system CWFL-1000 cooling fiber laser welding machine, click