When it comes to wood cutting, many people are having difficulties in choosing the suitable cutting tool - laser cutting machine or CNC cutting machine. Well, quite a lot of S&A Teyu Chiller’s clients used to be the fans of CNC cutting machines, but later they all choose to use laser cutting machines. So comparing with CNC wood cutting machine, what advantages does wood laser cutting machine have?
Well, first of all, wood laser cutting machine has better cutting accuracy. Generally speaking, CNC wood cutting machine relies on the cutter head to cut the wood and the cutter head itself has quite a big width. However, wood laser cutting machine uses CO2 laser as the laser source and its laser beam diameter is pretty small. That makes wood laser cutting machine is better than CNC wood cutting machine in cutting accuracy.
Second, wood laser cutting machine is non-contact during the wood cutting process, so it doesn’t require the wood to be stabilized. On the contrary, CNC wood cutting machine uses the cutter head to cut the wood and this process requires physical contact of these two objects, so the wood has to be fixed at a spot.
Being so flexible and high accuracy, no wonder wood laser cutting machine is getting more and more popular than CNC wood cutting machine.
But no matter what cutting machines users choose, these two machines both rely on an
industrial chiller unit for better performance and many users choose S&A Teyu industrial chiller CW-5000.
S&A Teyu industrial chiller CW-5000 is designed with powerful water pump which can guarantee the ongoing water circulation between the CO2 laser source of wood laser cutting machine and the chiller. That is desirable, for the temperature of the wood laser cutting machine can maintain at a normal range. In addition, industrial laser chiller is programmed with two temperature control modes suiting for different needs.
For more information about S&A Teyu industrial chiller CW-5000, click